Thursday, February 25, 2016


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Overall, I think these notebooks would be really good for note taking when it comes to field notes. They're small and easy to carry around.

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When I take notes I like to make things Different colors sometimes. I think tabs to separate certain things helps things seem more organized.

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My favorite pens to write in are anything BIC. They are my favorite. They don't bleed. They make my handwriting easier to read as well..

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Chapter 2: The rules of Narrative Writing

#13: Rewrite the following report using the rules of Narrative writing. 

Additional Information: I received a radio call to meet the reporting party, Katherine Tunney, at 12330 hours on 7/25/15. Katherine Tunney lives at home with her parents, Carol and Gary Tunney. The term 28 is jargon for radio code 10-28, which is a request to check the registration of a license plate.

Information report: Location: 1647 Rancho, El Fuego
Occurrence Date: 7/25/2015
Other person: Tunney, Carol P. DOB 1/21/1966
Other person: Tunney, Katherine L. DOB 9/16/1989

I contacted Katherine Tunney who said that at approximately 1215 hours on 7/25/2015, she was getting ready to leave her residence to do errands in the area when she saw a white Toyota van wagon in front of her residence on the opposite side of the street facing westbound. She saw the man , who was by himself, was turned in the drivers seat with a camera up to his face taking pictures of her specific residence. Miss Tunney said that the vehicle, although facing westbound, it was stopped in the middle of the street and not on the complete opposite side.

Miss Tunney said that she thought this was suspicious , she remembered that her mother was approached by a suspicious person back in April of this year.

She tried to make contact with the individual , when she left the residence, the individual immediately rolled up his driver side window and drove aways extremely fast leaving the area. Katherine said she was able to get his license plate number on the van when it slowed down for a speed bump, which was near the home. I asked Katherine for the license plate number and she said it was 836L92F.

A 28 was run on the license plate and it came back to a 2004 Toyota Wagon, registered to Bond, Stephen D. , 3381 El Balzo, El Fuego. Katherine describes the male subject to be a white male, with graying hair, NFD.

When talking to Mrs. Tunney, Carol, she said she filed a report with the police department back in April of this year. She was out in the front of her garage, in the driveway repotting a plant when the suspicious individual came up to her and asked her what her name was. Mrs. Tunney (Carol) said that she told the individual she was not going to tell him her name and then asked what his name was. She did not get any information from him.

The individual left in a vehicle which Mrs. Tunney (Carol) said had a personalized plate of ISPYONU. Information was run on the vehicle. It came back to a 2008 SAAB registered to Toomey, Richard, 36 Paseo De Bonito, El Rancho.

I told Miss. Tunney (Carol) and Katherine that at this time we did not have a crime happen. But this information would be put on file. At this time , they had no contact with the driver of the Toyota or the SAAB and information will be passed on to the investigation division.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


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For my documentary I chose to watch After Innocence. This documentary helps show how DNA evidence was used to help exonerate individual who were charged for a crime , but did not actually commit the crime. Some individuals were about to spend their entire lives in prison but because of the DNA evidence were able to be set free. Some even did time before being exonerated. This documentary goes to show the different injustices of the justice system when it comes to finding the guilty individual. Innocent individual were locked aways because they were thought to have done the crime even if they had nothing to do with it . This makes so many individuals question the law enforcement/ the justice system, which could cause so much controversy.